?How To Hang A Mezuzah

The mezuzah, which is placed on doorways in Jewish homes, holds a piece of parchment.
The parchment containing Shema Prayer, that mean “Hear, O Israel, the L‑rd is our G‑d, the L‑rd is One,”

The parchment is placed in a small chamber in the back of the mezuzah to keep it safe from the weather , the parchment rolled inside nylon wrap to get full protecting.

This tradision is in many Jewish homes , the tradition is also to put one hand when passing , most of jewish kiss the hand that touched the Mezuzah and others just touch it and keep going.

Before hang a Mezuzah you have to make a checklist:

1. Kosher Parchment
2. Mezuzah Case – To keep parchment safe
3. Measurment
4. Pen – To mark the hang location

Remember , each door requied a Mezuzah except of bathroom door or a space that’s at least 6.5 ft. X 6.5 ft.
1.A mezuzah is affixed on the right doorpost, approximately, at the bottom of the top third of the doorpost.
2. Put the parchment letther in front of Mezuzah Case “Shin”.
3. Remove out double side tape
4. Be sure the doorpost surface it totally dry and clean.
5.Stick the Mezuzah with little angle

Hang Mezuzah Blessing:

Recite the blessing. If you can read and understand the original Hebrew, say it in Hebrew. Otherwise, you can say it in any language you understand.

Here’s the Hebrew text:

בָּרוּך אַתָּה אַדָנָ-י אֶלוֹהֵ-ינוּ מֶלֶך הָעוֹלָם אַשֶר קְדִשָנוּ בְּמִצְווֹתָיו וְצִיווָנוּ לִקְבּוֹעַ מְזוּזָה

Here’s how it sounds:

Bah-rookh ah-tah ah-doh-noi eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lekh hah-oh-lahm ah-sher ki-deh-shah-noo beh-mitz-voh-tahv veh-tzee-vah-noo lik-boh-ah meh-zoo-zah.

Here’s what it means:

Blessed are you, L-rd our G‑d, King of the Universe, Who has made us holy with His commandments and commanded us to affix a mezuzah.

(click to read about mezuzah in wikipedia)
Thanks for Chabbad and Mea Shearim Rabba

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